Today was an ordinary day. Nothing special. It was also day 100 of this endeavor. So here are 100 of the more than 100 things I was, in varying magnitudes, glad or grateful for today.
2. Morning. (It always comes.)
3. The tidiness of a made bed.
4. Entering a clean kitchen.
5. Coffee.
6. Oswald Chambers, that meddler.
7. Cinnamon raisin toast.
8. Butter.
9. Good ruts of habit.
10. My laptop.
11. Writing, and the satisfaction of wrangling a sentence into shape.
12. Remembering something I would've forgotten if I hadn't written it down weeks ago.
13. Sticky-notes.
14. Index cards.
15. Mechanical pencils.
16. Scrivener.
17. Email.
18. Hot water at the touch of a tap.
19. Fragrant soap.
20. Fluffy, yet absorbent towels.
21. Cozy socks.
22. A warm coat.
23. Reliable transportation.
24. A home close to work.
25. Singing.
26. Tangerines.
27. Enjoyable labor.
28. Electricity.
29. Peanuts in the shell.
30. Dictionaries.
31. Calendars.
32. Ink.
33. Kleenex.
34. Walking.
35. Salt.
36. Rubber bands.
37. Paper clips.
38. Daily reminders built into passwords.
39. Laughter.
40. Search engines and archives.
41. Elevators and stairs.
42. Visible signs of changing seasons.
43. Gravity.
44. A big tree in the office, and the invitation for anyone to hang an ornament or two if they feel like it.
45. Strings of little lights.
46. Smiles.
47. People who plan parties.
48. Water coolers.
49. Coat racks.
50. Adjustable chairs.
51. Chocolate.
52. Proofreading.
53. Punctuation.
54. Clocks.
55. Traffic signals.
56. Radio.
57. Jovial shop clerks.
58. Bananas.
59. Voxer.
60. The distinctiveness of human voices.
61. Family.
62. Friends.
63. The comfort food of beans and rice.
64. Handpainted heirloom plates.
65. Tea.
66. Local raw honey.
67. Quiet.
68. Wrapping up a collaborative project.
69. Starting on a new project.
70. Encouragement.
71. Coaching.
72. Anticipation.
73. Telephones.
74. The ability to silence telephones and leave them in another room.
75. Lamplight.
76. Candlelight.
77. Rocking chairs.
78. Throw rugs.
79. Locks.
80. Houseplants.
81. Finding that novel right where I thought it might be.
82. Absorption.
84. Good surprises.
85. Cookies.
86. Goals.
87. Reflection (in windows and mirrors, in one's own mind, in the words of people who act as mirrors and windows).
88. Various websites and blogs I keep up with, and the communities they represent.
89. People who remember and ask.
90. Hands at work in hot soapy water.
91. Tea towels.
92. That clean post-toothbrushing sensation.
93. Feeling at peace.
94. A cat curled in the crook of my knees.
95. Memory foam pillows.
96. Dad's longsleeve T-shirt on me.
97. Mom's last quilt over me.
98. Familiar words on onionskin pages.
99. Prayer.
100. Drifting into merciful sleep.
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