Sunday, December 14, 2014

112. You shall know them by their superpowers

I really liked a post I read today at Storyline about introducing people by who they are rather than what they do for a living. I strongly encourage you to go read it.

Here's how I might introduce some of my friends:

This friend's superpower is hospitality.
This friend takes even silly questions seriously and answers them thoughtfully. 
This friend studies problems from all angles, as if they were a Rubik's Cube, and then solves them. 
This friend charms coyotes.
This friend is made of steel and afghan. 
This friend rocks babies on Fridays. 
This friend's superpower is knowing the app for that. 
This friend knows Greek and plays drums in a band. 
This friend's superpower is scoring bargains. 
This friend loves estate sales. 
This friend can do math in his head. 
This friend misses driving farm equipment. 
This friend is the hub of her wagon wheel of family. 
This friend delights in growing her own food. 
This friend is calm in a crisis. 
This friend is handy with a shotgun. 
This friend is like a sister, and was there for me during a painful transition. 
This friend is like a brother, and has come to my rescue more than once. 
This friend's superpower is diagnosing illness. 
This friend leaves little milks in fridges. 
This friend's superpower is reflecting the best of you back to yourself. 

I'd kind of like to write these — at least one of these — for each one of my friends. And it goes without saying — but I'll say it anyway — that I am grateful for them. And wealthy because of them.  

How would you introduce a friend you're grateful to have? 

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