Sunday, August 17, 2014


Thanks, gratitude, counting your blessings, a thousand gifts, daily goodness -- whatever you want to call it, it's a list worth making. Five things, every day. Today's:

The glorious sunrise view from my balcony, and the anchor-hold of stillness, whatever time of day, on the best 40 square feet of my home. 

Seeing my dauntless middle-aged friend who's in college going up there with all the kids this morning at the end of church as we prayed for everyone going back to school.

Guacamole. And the young burrito technician who informed me that it comes free with the vegetarian burrito, and that I could have it on the burrito or on the side, and his coworker who filled an on-the-side container to the rim for me. And whoever first looked at an avocado and thought, "I bet that would be good mashed up with garlic and lime juice and some spices."

Conversations with family, and our shared memories.

Friends who sent virtual hugs today, and the promise of phone dates this week.

The joy of a pregnant friend who had a baby shower today.

The wit on the Sunday evening shift at work.

How was your day?

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