Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Pittsburgh left

Today's remarkables:

The way a conversation from the night before grew like a vine, unfolded like a flower, in my mind today, with the fragrance of anticipation for when the conversation continues.

An email from my poetry buddy, in another ongoing conversation that is about so much more than poetry. 

The guy downtown this morning, in a huge SUV, talking on his cell phone, who made a Pittsburgh left when the light turned green, and I let him and felt benevolent instead of miffed, because of those seven years in Pittsburgh, which still pays dividends in the form of parallel parking skills. 

A coworker's homegrown tomato, which turned into a toasted tomato and cheese sandwich for lunch. 

The way my cat insists, "Be here now." 

Knowing that I could have dropped in at a friend's for the comfort-food dinner of liver and onions (seriously), if only she weren't six hours away.

A friendly message spelled out in fireflies. 

How was your day?